The Project

Croatian Hollywood is an international multimedia project based on a modern, dynamic documentary presentation of locations that were used in the filming of many world-famous films and series. Since Croatia is often used as a film backdrop, there are many destinations that are interesting both regionally and globally.


Each location gets a lot of viewership, thus significant visibility of the destination in the domestic and international media. We achieve this through our multimedia content distribution system, followed by promotional activities that reach a large number of viewers, followers, users…


Croatian Hollywood is filmed as a television mosaic format, where several attractive locations are presented in each episode. Filming participants take part in the presentation of each location, scenes from the film are compared with the situation on the ground, and it is certainly in the interest of all of us to present local employees who are the present and future of the said community.


In addition to episodic television broadcasting, individual locations or participants are broadcast independently on portals and social networks and are promoted on many relevant world media.


In addition to specific collaborations with numerous Hollywood stars, the wider project also includes a large international film and multimedia festival that will be held in Croatia next year in our organization, as well as an international production agency for filming in Croatian locations.



Đelo Hadžiselimović

Televizijski urednik i producent, preko 40 godina vodi uspješne projekte.


Milan Stanišić

Hollywood production manager, radio na Oscarom nagrađenim filmovima, bliski suradnik Ridleya Scotta i Stevena Spielberga.

Boris Gregorić

Filmski producent, bivši direktor Jadran filma, godinama radi na mnogim poznatim svjetskim koprodukcijama.

Bruno Grgurić

Redatelj i producent,
član žirija Sarajevo Film Festivala.


Darko Duda

Redatelj, urednik i voditelj
s 30 godina medijskog iskustva.


Dejan Radić

Jedan od začetnika video gaming industrije u Hrvatskoj i svijetu s više od 25 godina iskustva u vođenju najvećih kompanija u tom području.

Željko Jurešić

Executive producer.


Great Croatian Locations

Great Croatian Locations

Great Croatian Locations
Croatian Hollywood – best of both

Croatian Hollywood – best of both

Croatian Hollywood - best of both
Hollywood is coming to Croatia

Hollywood is coming to Croatia

Hollywood is coming to Croatia

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